Thursday, December 8, 2016

A new analysis describes the risks and benefits of taking aspirin to reduce the risk of cancer


A new analysis describes the risks and benefits of taking aspirin to reduce the risk of cancer -

A new analysis published today describes the risks and benefits to take aspirin to reduce the risk of cancer.

You've probably seen the media coverage today about aspirin, and if it can help prevent cancer.

The news comes from a new scientific report by international experts (including some funded by Cancer Research UK), looking at all the available evidence on the benefits and disadvantages of over-the-drug counter.

So what do they say? And if you or I start taking today? Well, the drug has risks and benefits, our advice is: do not take it without talking to your GP
This amount graphics new data and unanswered questions

[ why the uncertainty?

the story so far
today's headlines are the latest chapter in a story that has been taking place in recent years. We followed since 08, when we wrote this explainer in depth about the state of the evidence.

In 09, our researchers have produced a new report, discussed here, concluding that more research is needed. Then in 2010, a new analysis by researchers from Oxford suggested that the pros were starting to outweigh the disadvantages -. While our experts still urge caution

The last major announcement on the subject came in 2012 when the Oxford team has released new data refining what was known about the balance of advantages and disadvantages. We discussed this at length and, if you read a post on the subject, it is this one, because it goes into detail on how the risks and benefits change over time.

So What's New?

And so to today's news. The latest analysis, published in the journal Annals of Oncology, gathers data from all available studies and clinical trials and analysis where the balance is clearer than ever.

He confirmed that aspirin protects against bowel stronger, stomach and esophageal cancers, and also weaker against cancers of the lung, prostate and breast. It suggests that the benefits begin to build on 50 years, so there is little to gain to be below this age. And notes that if 1,000 people (500 men and 500 women) aged 60 take aspirin for ten years, then - over 1000 people who take aspirin - over the next 20 years, you would see:

Approximately 17 fewer deaths, including: 16 fewer deaths from cancer overall 1.4 fewer deaths from heart attacks

Between two and three additional deaths from 1.4 deadliest blows more severe peptic ulcers 0.3 0.65 deadliest gastric bleeding Sons generally positive, right? Well there are some important omissions from the analysis that begin to cover their tracks.

is a little more complicated than that

These risks and benefits are not evenly distributed around the population. Some are at higher risk of side effects. genetics some people means they decompose aspirin at different rates - some faster, some slower than average. Some will have a lower risk of cancer, without even taking the drug, so they will not benefit as much (but they can still experience side effects). It is extremely complex and still slightly hazy, picture.
So to be able to recommend aspirin to people knowing that risks are minimized and maximize benefits, doctors need to have a better idea of ​​the following: How old people should start and stop, take aspirin? What dose should they take? What are the factors that should govern someone taking aspirin, and how should we test for them?

Currently, frustrating, there is no clear definitive answer to these questions. And until there, we discourage people from storage on their own supplies of aspirin without consulting a doctor first. So if you are worried about your risk of cancer, and want to do something, your first port of call should always be your GP.
