Thursday, October 31, 2013

The research highlights the potential risk of cancer in nonsmokers


The research highlights the potential risk of cancer in nonsmokers -

Research by the University of York highlighted the potential risk of cancer non-smokers - especially young children - from tobacco smoke gases and particles deposited on surfaces and dust in the house.

So far, the risks of this exposure known as "third-hand tobacco smoke" were highly uncertain and not reflected in public policy.

However, a new study published in the journal Environment International, said for the first time the potential risk of cancer by age group and by ingestion non-food dermal exposure to the smoke of third hand. The results indicate potentially serious long-term consequences, especially for children.

The research was done by Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratories of York, the National Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, and chromatography and the research group on environmental applications at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain.

study, which was backed by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the Directorate General Research of the Government of Catalonia, also shows for the first time the widespread presence of carcinogenic tobacco-related to house dust, even in "smoke-free" environment.

scientists collected dust samples from private dwellings occupied by smokers and non-smokers. Using the observations of house dust composition, they estimated the cancer risk by applying the latest official toxicology information.

They found that for children aged one to six years, cancer risk exceeded the limit recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the three quarters of smokers homes and two third non-smoking homes. . The maximum risk predicted from the third level of smoke in a house occupied smoker equated to an additional cancer case per one thousand population exposed

The lead researcher, Dr Jacqueline Hamilton, of Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratories of York, said: "the risk of tobacco exposure does not end when a cigarette is extinguished nonsmokers, especially children, are also at risk through contact with surfaces and dust contaminated with gas. and residual smoke particles, the so-called third-hand smoke. This risk should not be overlooked and its impact should be included in future educational programs and public health policies related to tobacco. "

Every year 0,000 people die worldwide by passive inhalation of environmental tobacco smoke, also known as secondhand smoke. . As many countries have introduced smoking bans in public places, the house has become the main source of exposure to passive smoking

Professor Alastair Lewis, atmospheric York Wolfson Chemistry Laboratories and the National Centre for atmospheric sciences, said: "More than 40 percent of children have at least one smoking parent and it is an awareness of the general public about the harms of secondhand smoke, there is little knowledge about the dangers smoke third hand. carcinogenic materials can be passed from smokers to non-smokers in a shared contact, such as between clothing and surfaces and also enter houses transport suspended in the smoke from air cigarette. "

researchers examined exposure to carcinogenic N-nitrosamines and tobacco specific nitrosamines (TSNA) in dust samples. These are produced when nicotine deposits on the inner surfaces, and is then again released to the gas phase or reacts with ozone, nitrous acid and other atmospheric oxidants. They are classified as human carcinogens.

The measurements were performed using a chromatography system with full two-dimensional gas phase, which was initially funded by NERC to study particles in the atmosphere.

Professor Rosa Maria Marcé, of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, said: "This very selective and sensitive instrument allowed small quantities of TSNAs glued to house dust surface to be measured for the first time."

Dr. Noelia Ramirez, a Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratories postdoctoral researcher York that began this line of research, said: "Although TSNAs were suspected of being part of the smoke of third hand following laboratory studies, we demonstrated for the first time the presence of specific compounds of tobacco carcinogens, such as TSNAs, in settled dust found home in a panel of smokers and non-smoking homes.

"the TSNA concentrations found in smoke-free homes suggests that TSNAs trained in smoking environments can persist for extended periods, perhaps because of the separation of ambient particles, and then be transported into the homes of non-smokers from outside. "
