Saturday, November 23, 2013

Charles H. Hennekens won the prestigious Ochnser Alton


Charles H. Hennekens won the prestigious Ochnser Alton -

The Foundation Ochnser Clinic recently announced the annual recipient of the prestigious 29 Ochnser Alton Charles H. Hennekens, MD , Dr.PH, the first Professor Sir Richard Doll and principal education consultant Dean Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University. The Alton Ochsner Award is supported by the Ochsner Clinic Foundation and recognizes outstanding scientific achievements outlined pivots on biological and clinical fundamental mechanisms that relate smoking to human disease. Hennekens will receive a cash prize, a special medallion and a scroll to be presented to him at the annual Convocation of the American College of Chest Physicians in scientific sessions that take place in Austin, Texas Sunday, October 26th

Hennekens seminal work on smoking includes being among the first to discover that for heart disease, it is never too late to quit, but for cancer, it's never too early. It was also among the first to demonstrate that in women of childbearing age, oral contraceptives have a relatively low risk absolute heart attack, but that cigarettes increase the risk about 13 times. For those who use oral contraceptives and smoke the increased risk was 40 times.

Ochsner was a mentor Michael DeBakey, MD, a cardiothoracic surgeon world-famous and together they were among the first to notice in the late 1930s that almost all their cancer patients lung smoked cigarettes. In 1950, Sir Richard Doll and Sir Austin Bradford Hill were the first to quantify the relationship between smoking and lung cancer.

The Alton Ochnser Award was established in 1986, and previous winners include Doll and Hill in 1988, DeBakey in 1993. Doll and Professor Sir Richard Peto were his mentors, colleagues and friends to Hennekens remembered Charles Darwin's words who said "if I have seen further, it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants."

numerous honors and recognition received Hennekens include Price 2013 Fries for improved health for his contributions to the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease, the Presidential Award in 2013 from his alma mater, Queens College, for his distinguished contributions to society, and a special recognition 2013 American heart Association, which he shared with Charles E. Schmidt College of medicine FAU, for past, current and future contributions to the reduction of suffering and death from heart attack and stroke.

Watch Hennekens science has ranked as the third most widely cited medical researcher in the world from 1995-05 and five of the 20 were his former trainees and / or fellows. In 2012, Science Heroes Hennekens ranked No. 81 in the world's history for having saved more than 1.1 million lives.
