Friday, March 3, 2017

Experts explain the advantages and disadvantages of over-the-counter enzymes


Experts explain the advantages and disadvantages of over-the-counter enzymes -

Enzyme supplements available without prescription are increasingly popular, but should all add to their shopping list? Brent Bauer, MD, director of complementary medicine program and integrative Mayo Clinic, is co-author of a new paper in the medical journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings on the advantages and disadvantages of over-the-counter enzymes. Here, Dr. Bauer answers some common questions about these dietary supplements:.

What is the problem

"They have become so popular Like many nutritional supplements, patients are looking for something to help their health, so they read about over-the-counter enzymes as one of the many dietary supplements, and all of a sudden we see sales go through the roof. a huge challenge food supplements is that most have not tested as most drugs are. We have a lot of information, but we do not have definitive information. so our patients hear many positive things, but they are not always understood or not the negative effects side. therefore, we try to be very evidence-based. We do not want to say no, there is no reason to ever take an over-the-counter enzyme. However, we do not just want to rush and buy because we heard someone say something good on TV. "

What are some of the reasons why people take enzyme supplements?

" We have many natural enzymes in our body. They help us digest food. There are clearly medical reasons to use enzymes. If the pancreas of a patient does not, for example, the patient may need to take a medically prescribed enzyme supplement. Here is a little different story of a healthy person who wants to use over-the-counter bromelain, papain or - enzymes that come from pineapple and papaya - or trypsin or chymotrypsin. The reasons why people could use those center around the digestion: Maybe they get older, they have more gas and bloating, so they think that if they take an enzyme, it will help digestion. It also has anti-inflammatory effects, so some people will use these enzymes to try to reduce inflammation, may help osteoarthritis. And there is a long history of these being used as anti-cancer agents. The challenge from the perspective of doctors is that the evidence for each of these is quite limited. We do not just have the data to say: No, it does not. Yes, it works. "We're stuck. "

What if I want to try over-the-counter enzymes? Are there any side effects?

" Fortunately, most sur- -against enzymes, unless you take super-high doses, the risks are quite minimal. Some people have gastrointestinal problems or irritation. I'm going this conversation with my patients: If they want to try enzymes, I want them to understand the risks, potential benefits, the limited amount of evidence. And if we will use it, I try to do in a short trial period, use it for two or three weeks. If you notice a big improvement, it does not mean that it works, but it may mean to you, it is something you might want to pursue. If this does not work, do not keep only to take more and hoping something magical to happen. "

Is there anyone who should not take these?

" bromelain enzyme from pineapple, can have a anti-platelet activity. So for people taking blood thinners or have an anti-platelet activity, theoretically there could be an increased risk of bleeding. For children with cystic fibrosis, there was some bad adverse reactions which those who take enzymes prescription may get a bad disorder of the colon called fibrosing irritable bowel syndrome. "

How consumer advertising claims judge ?

"If you look at some of the bold headlines on food supplements -" Use our enzymes, we can help prevent cancer "- there is probably a grain of truth in much advertising, but it is hype and is made incredibly good sound. When you hear that kind of hype, these types of exaggerated promises, it's time to step back and say, `Wait a minute, I invested my money in? And then there is a good time to do some research, then it's even a better time to go talk to your doctor and ask if there are risks and interactions with medications you take. "
