Saturday, December 21, 2013

Study examines the prevalence of HPV screening methods in developing countries


Study examines the prevalence of HPV screening methods in developing countries -

health screens for carcinogenic HPV infections like can be difficult in developing countries where living in rural areas can result in limited access to health services. A new study from the University of Alabama at Birmingham examined the prevalence of high-risk HPV in Nepal, and finds that a method of screening for it can be effective.

Almost all cases of cervical cancer are believed to be caused by HPV infection. Of the more than 270,000 deaths due to cervical cancer each year, about 85 percent are in developing countries, according to the World Health Organization. The incidence of cervical cancer in Nepal is 24.2 per 100 000, making Nepal a country with one of the highest rates of cervical cancer in South Asia.

Sadeep Shrestha, Professor Ph.D., associated with the Department of Epidemiology, is the lead author of the new study published in PLoS ONE that investigated the prevalence of HPV screening methods in a remote district called Accham Far western Nepal.

in a camp for a healthy day conducted in Nepal Fertility Care Center, including the main contributor Pema Lhaki, Shrestha team gathered samples collected clinicians, as well as cervical specimens self-collected . This was done to determine if samples of HPV self-collected specimens were comparable to clinicians collected as a form of screening for women with formal education little or no. Study first author Derek Johnson, a doctoral student in the Department of Epidemiology, stayed in Nepal for 18 months to help lead the study.

"We have learned that even in a remote area among illiterate women, collected self samples for HPV and cervical cancer screening is possible," said Shrestha. "The most of the participants had never visited a medical center, and thus an effective sampling plan will be necessary for cancer screening for HPV / cervical. "

Shrestha said their study determined the high risk of prevalence, meaning the -causing cancer, HPV was 9.6 percent in women who took part in a day camp, and at least 25 percent had abnormal cytology.

"We realized that many other women could not attend the camp health because of the distance to the camp, the potential health problems or even because of cultural taboo," said Shrestha. . "Because of these factors, we believe that the HPV prevalence in our study is an underestimation This region has a high prevalence of HIV, and therefore we believe that this area could also have a high prevalence of HPV, but several camps and creative designs to include women will be needed to prove it. "

Shrestha said a limited budget means a limited sample size. However, it was the first HPV and cytology study conducted in a rural population in Nepal, so the results should be considered useful.

"The model to the screening of projects in existing health camps, associated with self-sampling approach to HPV, would benefit the Nepalese government with its comprehensive screening plans," said Shrestha.

infrastructure for HPV testing in Nepal is not fully developed, said Shrestha. These samples were tested in the US, but Shrestha would like to see the development of better facilities for local trials Nepal to help improve the sustainability of routine HPV testing in the future.
