Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The current guidelines are more detailed on DMP for people with breast cancer


The current guidelines are more detailed on DMP for people with breast cancer -

The German Institute for Quality and efficiency of health care (IQWiG) published the results of a literature search for evidence of clinical practice guidelines based on the treatment of people with breast cancer. The aim of the report is to identify the recommendations of high methodological quality current guidelines that may be relevant for the planned revision of the disease management program (DMP). According to the results of the report, there is no compelling need for revision of any part of the DMP. However, IQWiG identified some aspects that could be supplemented and specified.

PGD are reviewed regularly

After being commissioned by the Joint Federal Committee (G-BA), IQWiG systematically searched for new guidelines, assessed their methodological quality, and extracted relevant recommendations of these guidelines. The next step of the recommendations have been compared with the specifications for the German DMP.

The need for revision can occur if new studies provide new evidence about a disease and its treatment. It is therefore legally specified that a DMP should be revised at regular intervals. It is the responsibility of the Institute to identify one hand the differences between guideline recommendations and the DMP. It is then the G-BA'sresponsibility to examine whether these differences should actually lead to a revision of the DMP.

guidelines identified 26 relevant

IQWiG was able to include a total of 26 guidelines in its investigation. Six of these guidelines comprehensively address the management of patients with breast cancer. September guidelines deal exclusively with early breast cancer, four other guidelines with advanced breast cancer (stage IV). The remaining nine guidelines relate to specific aspects such as radiation therapy, breast reconstruction or a systematic adjuvant treatment.

desirable supplementation

As determined IQWiG, there are several aspects of health for the recommendations of the DMP should be revised. Among other aspects, this applies to the diagnosis and measures primary therapy: The guidelines address the performance of a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in specific therapeutic indications, explicitly advising against routine MRI. Regarding radiation therapy for breast cancer, the guidelines provide recommendations on hypofractionated radiotherapy -. One aspect not being considered by the DMP

The process of producing the report

IQWiG published the preliminary results in the form of the preliminary report in November 2013 and interested parties were invited to submit comments. At the end of the proceedings commenting, the preliminary report was revised and sent as a final report to the commissioning agency in May 2014. The written comments submitted are published in a separate document simultaneously with the final report. The report was produced in collaboration with external experts.
