DNA test free of cells could help identify liver transplant patients with acute rejection -
Today, researchers presented the results of the 68th Annual Scientific Meeting AACC that the DNA found circulating in the bloodstream- known as DNA-free cells name can be used to identify liver transplant patients with acute rejection with a greater precision than the conventional liver function tests. This test DNA without cells could help liver transplant patients receive essential treatment for the fastest rejection, and has the potential to improve the prognosis of kidney and heart transplant patients.
-acute rejection episodes of rejection that occurs in the first months after organ transplants-are relatively frequent. In liver transplant patients in particular, acute rejection develops in about 20% of those treated with standard immunosuppressive therapy. Monitoring the occurrence of rejection so that health care providers can quickly counter, it is essential for the long-term survival of recipients of organ transplants. However, the gold standard for identifying rejection is a biopsy, which is invasive and expensive, and at present there is no effective blood test to take his place.
A team of researchers led by Ekkehard Schütz, MD, PhD, biomedical Chronix in Göttingen, Germany sought to determine whether a blood test for graft derived cell-free DNA which is a DNA-free cells from an organ transplant could identify liver transplant patients with acute rejection. In a first of its kind prospective multicenter trial, they followed without DNA cells derived graft in the blood of liver transplant recipients 106 adults post transplant at least one year. They found that in the 87 stable patients with no evidence of injury to the graft and that were negative for infection with hepatitis C, the percentage of DNA without median cell derived graft decreased in the first week at a level of <10% of the reference cell gluten-free DNA concentrations. However, in the 20 patients with samples taken during periods of acute rejection confirmed by biopsy, DNA levels without derivatives grafted cells were about 10 times higher than those observed in stable patients.
in all, Schütz and colleagues determined by tests for derivatives grafted DNA levels free of cells> 10%, they were able to identify more than 0% of liver transplant patients with acute rejection which is a significantly higher percentage than conventional tests of liver function can identify. They also believe that this test could detect heart and kidney transplant rejection, and are conducting additional studies to confirm.
"This is really a universal test, you can use it for all types of solid organ transplantation because it is simply detect the DNA of the graft, and is independent of this plugin you look, "said Schütz. "This will allow us to start treating these patients as soon as possible, which not only impact on acute condition that the patient at the time, but also an impact on long-term graft survival. If we are able to diagnose rejection rather quickly-in a day or a day and a half the attending physician can react, then we can really avoid the high quality releases further down the line. "
in Besides this study, the researchers will present the latest in DNA tests without cells AACC annual scientific meeting and clinical Lab Expo, including:
• demonstrate research that a blood test for genetic mutations in DNA-free cells of lung cancer patients can be used to inform the choice of treatment and serve as an alternative to tissue biopsy. "The analysis of EGFR in cfDNA reflect tumor heterogeneity and has prognostic value in non-small cell lung cancer" (A-013)
• New findings that high levels home of the free cellular DNA in patients with prostate cancer could predict which patients are less likely to survive and need more aggressive treatment. "Circulating evaluation free DNA of prognostic biomarkers in prostate cancer" (A-019)
• A new generation of sequencing assay for DNA without cells derived graft which can also be used for monitoring of organ transplantation. "Analytical Validation of a new clinical grade generation sequencing test to evaluate allograft injury in recipients of solid organ transplants" (B-365)