Monday, November 7, 2016

Researchers receive funding of $ 2 million PCORI to analyze the use of decision aids in the treatment of breast cancer


Researchers receive funding of $ 2 million PCORI to analyze the use of decision aids in the treatment of breast cancer -

A research team at 'Dartmouth Institute for health policy and clinical practice has received $ 2 million funding allocation from the research Institute of patient-centered outcomes (PCORI) to conduct a research project that could change the way that women and their doctors make decisions about breast cancer surgery. Led by Associate Professor Anne-Marie Durand, PhD, the project will compare the care that incorporates the use of two effective decisions aids-- a Grid ™ option and an option Picture Grid ™ - with the usual care received by women newly diagnosed with early breast cancer stage (stages I to IIIA).

One in eight women will develop breast cancer. The diagnosis is traumatic and life changing, and information about treatment options can be overwhelming and confusing, especially for women of lower socioeconomic status (SES) and health literacy.

"It is an extremely difficult time in everyone's life," Smith said, "But we believe that the use of new tools such as decision aids Option Grid women will be able to obtain better information, have more productive conversations with their physicians, and ultimately will be better able to choose the surgery and the treatment option that is right for them. "

The multi-site, three-year study will include 1,000 patients recruited from four major cancer centers. The researchers hope to show that women who are able to use decision aids in their care are more usefully involved (and their doctors) in creating a treatment plan for themselves, have less anxiety, less regret making, and better quality of life than women receiving usual care (which generally only includes decision support).

The research team will also determine whether the Image Grid option may reduce the communication and decision-making disparities between women of high and low SES. (Although the grid option is a one-page summary of treatment options and tradeoffs associated presented in tabular form, the Photo Grid option also includes a simple text and images.)

"women with low SES are choosing mastectomy more often than women of higher SES," said Durand. "but the goal of our research is not to lower the rate of mastectomy in women, but the decisions they make are high quality, which means that they are based on the best information available and aligned with their priorities, values ​​and wishes. We believe Grids picture option can help do this. "

On each research site, a patient's partner will work with a research assistant to recruit patients and collect and analyze data.

" Patient and other partners interested parties were and continue to be involved throughout the study, "said Durand. "Their contribution will also be essential when thinking about a secondary objective of our project is to develop strategies that promote the dissemination and sustainable use of decision aids."
