Tuesday, October 4, 2016

health insurance reimbursement can identify cancer screening rates


health insurance reimbursement can identify cancer screening rates -

By B. sc.

A study published today shows that people living in US states that offer higher Medicaid payments for office visits are more likely to have been screened for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer than those states giving lower levels of Medicaid support.

Although the general requirements of the Medicaid health insurance program are set by the federal government, each state decides individually its own Medicaid policies determining how providers are paid for health care services and who is eligible for Medicaid. The effects of specific differences in state Medicaid policies on the use of preventive health services and particularly the early detection of cancer, has not been fully evaluated to date.

The present study, led by Michael Halpern of RTI International, analyzed Medicaid data and cancer screening rates 46 states and Washington DC.

Dr Halpern said "Our study to compare the differences in cancer screening for Medicaid beneficiaries in almost all states, providing an overall picture, National political effects at the Medicaid State. "

the results showed that the projections recommended for early detection of breast, cervical and colorectal cancer were more likely to have been undertaken among Medicaid beneficiaries living in States with higher payments for office visits. However, States providing higher Medicaid payments for cancer screening tests (such as colonoscopy, mammography and Pap tests) has not always had the highest detection rate.

Bas cancer screening rates were also found among Medicaid beneficiaries in states using the "asset test" (which takes into account the savings of an individual, property and other items of value) to determine eligibility of a person to enroll in Medicaid.

The results suggest that among Medicaid recipients, lower cancer screening rates are a result of financial barriers to access to primary care physicians rather than the cost of the tests themselves.

It appears that the increased likelihood of people enrolled in Medicaid undergoing cancer screening would be best achieved by increasing reimbursements for office visits, thus facilitating access to primary care.

Asset Disposal tests may increase the likelihood of receiving cancer screening in helping low-income people remain enrolled in Medicaid.

Dr. Halpern explained that "due to several factors, including the reform of health care and decreased budgets of the state, many states are changing their policies of Medicaid, there including how health care providers are paid and are allowed to follow. "

The results of this study may therefore help the state health decision makers to revise Medicaid policies to overcome barriers to access to care and therefore recommended the use of cancer screening services .
