First edition August 20, 2014 -
Today the titles include a report from California that Anthem Blue Cross continued again about his health plans close network and a prediction of Maryland officials on the insurance market online status
Kaiser Health News :. Wrestling With mental health system of a county of Texas
Kaiser Health News staff writer Jenny Gold reports: "Evans is the director of the Center for Health Care Services, Community Mental Health System in San Antonio and county Bexar. Texas is 49th class of 50 countries in how much funding it commits to mental health. But under the direction of Evans, Bexar County has built a mental health system as a model for other cities across the country - the one who saved $ 50 million over the last five years "(Gold, 8/20). Read the story, which also ran on NPR
The Washington Post :. Md health officials :. Rebuilt health insurance online site will be set by November
administration Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley believes that the rapid reconstruction of health insurance on the state's website is on schedule and will be ready before the next enrollment period begins in November. first attempt of the state to launch a website was riddled with technical problems that made it much more difficult for residents to sign up for health insurance made possible by the Affordable Care Act. Maryland is now rebuilding the site using the technology developed by Connecticut. The fix is estimated at at least $ 40 million, if not more (Johnson, 8/19)
The Washington Post Wonkblog :. Health Care data breaches hit 30M patients And Counting
The recent theft of 4.5 million patient records by Chinese hackers highlights an undeniable truth about health care data: it is precious, and bad people want . In this latest incident, hackers have stolen the personal data of patients community health systems, including their Social Security numbers, which is a particularly coveted piece of information if you want to steal someone's identity. But it seems that the patient medical data and credit card numbers are stolen in this case (Millman, 8/19)
CIO Journal The Wall Street Journal :. Health Care CIOs Boosting security in the wake of Violations
A recent series of high-profile data breaches led some health DSI to change their approach cybersecurity. The new approach is partly influenced by the boards require greater disclosure on security efforts. CIOs say they are implementing new software and security processes, hiring staff and meeting with their boards more regularly. But the industry may have to up its security spending to achieve results. Health care providers generally have smaller IT budgets than the private sector (Boulton, 8/19)
The Associated Press :. Analysis: Congress can still make special offers when it has
The must-do bills included $ 16 billion to improve veterans' access to health care and short-term $ 11 billion measure to prevent federal funding for road projects and transport systems common to dry this month. Either vote against the effort could cost legislators in the November elections. The bill on veterans gathered when Democrats agreed to cut the price and Republicans agreed to add the additional cost to the national debt. On the draft road law, Senate Democrats bowed House Republicans on financing through the anticipated revenue, the government could not collect or ten years from now (8/18)
Los Angeles Times :. Anthem Blue Cross Sued Again Over Health Plans Narrow-network
health insurance giant Anthem Blue Cross faces another trial on consumers switching to narrow-network health plans -; with limited selections of doctors -; during deployment of Obamacare. These types of complaints have triggered an ongoing investigation by California regulators and other legal actions applying to become class-action against rival Anthem and Blue Shield of California (Terhune, 8/19)
Los Angeles Times :. Auditor Says $ 93 Million In Medi-Cal payments could be fraudulent
The audit released Tuesday examined billing data from July 08 to December 2013 the drug treatment program Medi-Cal, which reimburses rehabilitation clinics. The audit found the Department of Health Care Services and the Department of Alcohol and state drug programs failed to administer the program "and the opportunities created for fraud" (Karlamangla, 8/19 )
The Wall Street Journal :. Walgreen shakeup Followed Bad Projection
One billion dollars forecast error in the health insurance business related Walgreen Co. has cost the jobs of two senior managers and large investors alarmed. At a meeting of the board in April, Chief Financial Officer Wade Miquelon provides $ 8.5 billion for the fiscal year 2016 the pharmacy benefit unit, based in part on Sale of drugs by Medicare (Siconolfi, 8 / 19)
the Wall Street Journal broke Ruined .: commitment Biogenics vascular IPO
events that led to the collapse of the IPO has not been previously reported. The highly unusual event-, many traders and investors struggle to remember another IPO being canceled in such Manner, was a major setback for a company that is looking for money to pay for clinical trials to complete its work on the treatments for cancer and other diseases. For executives, it has also raised questions about the role of insurers in a bid (Demos, 8/19)
NPR :. Cardiologist Speaks From The Heart About the medical system in America
As a young doctor working at a teaching hospital, Sandeep Jauhar was having ends difficulty to meet. So like other university doctors, he took a moonlighting at a private practice, the offices of a cardiologist. He noted that the offices were quick to order expensive tests for their patients -; even when they seemed unnecessary (8/19)
Los Angeles Times :. Simple Steps Made Inpatient 70% more likely to quit
A free supply of replacement drugs nicotine and a handful of smokers made automated phone calls wanting to quit much more likely to succeed, according to results a clinical study published Tuesday in the Journal of the American medical Association. The researchers who developed the trial said they were looking for a simple and inexpensive way to help smokers who were already motivated to quit smoking. They believed that once their 0-day program was put in place, it could be maintained at a cost of less than $ 1,000 per quitter (Kaplan, 8/19)
The Washington Post :. Rare DC House Call Doctor straddling two Washingtons
Brown is a rarity: a family medicine doctor who makes home visits. Working mostly in the district, it is completely independent and not affiliated with insurance programs. His work straddles two Washingtons. Its paying patients are foreigners and domestic travelers, including foreign dignitaries staying in hotels in the city. Treat these customers enables it to serve as primary care physician -; pro bono -; for more than a dozen elderly housebound residents in poorer neighborhoods (Najarro 8/19)
Des Moines Register / USA Today :. Judge rules against using Telemed abortion System
Iowa regulators were within their authority when they voted to ban a first-in-the-nation videoconferencing system that allows doctors here to distribute abortion drugs women in rural clinics, a judge Polk County District Court ruled Tuesday. Planned Parenthood of the Heartland sued the Iowa Board of Medicine, arguing that the decision of the Board to prohibit physicians to use his system was a blatant attempt to limit the access of rural women to abortion (Leys, 8/19).