First Edition: June 20, 2014 -
morning of the day highlights the major news agencies, including reports on a new survey showing the majority of those signing for market plans had been uninsured before and the decision of the Obama administration to extend the benefits of marriage, including family leave to same-sex couples
Kaiser Health News: review Finds mismanagement Nursing Home inspections in the county of Los Angeles
Kaiser staff writer Anna Gorman health News, in collaboration with the Los Angeles Daily News, reports: "Los Angeles County public health staff repeatedly failed to follow the state policy on inspections of care homes, leading to the improper closure of cases and incomplete and delayed investigations, according to a report by the Ministry of public health of California. After examining a sample of 136 cases received since 09, the Ministry of Health of the state found that lA. County officials did not properly prioritize or monitoring surveys. The county faces a backlog of hundreds of complaints about nursing home security "(Gorman, 6/20)
Kaiser Health News :. Survey: Most people purchase on the exchange insurance were not previously covered
Kaiser health News reports writer Julie Appleby staff: "Nearly six in 10 Americans who bought insurance for this year through online health law markets were previously uninsured- , most for at least two years, according to a new survey that looks at the experiences of those most affected by the law. This finding is higher than previous estimates, and counters the arguments by critics of the law that most of those who bought the new policies were previously insured "(Appleby, 6/19)
Kaiser health News :. A reader asks :? Our plan can Kick Off Our daughter because it offers employment cover
consumer columnist Michelle Andrews NHK said the health law initially allowed some plans to do, but this provision is no longer valid (Andrews, 6 / 20).
Kaiser Health News: Capsules: Senators Offer Bill To Ease readmission penalties on some hospitals, Consumer Group urges hospitals to stop promoting dubious Screenings
now on the blog of Kaiser Health News, Jordan Rau reports on the new Congress legislation "a bipartisan group of senators introduced legislation Thursday to make Medicare take the financial situation of hospitalized patients into account when deciding to punish a hospital for too many readmissions Bill. attempts to answer one of the main complaints about the readmissions program :. That the hospitals serving large numbers of low-income patients are more likely to be penalized "(Rau, 6/19)
Also on Capsules, Julie Appleby reports on new criticism of a screening program offered by some hospitals "Citizen of public consumer advocacy group called on Thursday 20 hospital systems to stop partnering with companies that offer low cost projections for heart disease and stroke risk, saying that promotions are "(Appleby, 6/19) unethical" and examinations are more likely to do harm than good "Find out what else is on blog
the Wall Street Journal: .. Poll: Nearly 60% of exchange Enrollees were uninsured
Nearly six out of 10 people who bought health insurance through the exchanges online the affordable care Act had been assured just before you go shopping for a health plan, according to a new study by the Kaiser Family Foundation. the discovery provides another glimpse of whether the 2010 law achieved its primary objective: to reduce the number of uninsured people in the United States, which was approximately $ 45 million before the passage of the law (Radnofsky, 6/19).
The New York Times: Health Exchange Enrollees had mostly been uninsured people
Four to 10 enrolled in health plans through new insurance exchanges already had insurance but six in 10 were previously uninsured, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation survey released Thursday. Most of the uninsured have been without coverage for two years or more, and 45 percent said they had been without coverage for at least five years, the foundation said in a report on the people in the market of personal insurance (Pear, 6/19).
Los Angeles Times: Most With Obamacare were previously uninsured, New Survey Finds
Approximately 4.5 million of the 8 million Americans who have registered for the health insurance market created by the new law on the federal health care insurance did not previously, according to a national survey that offers the most detailed look to date at which registered for coverage under the affordable care Act this year (Levey , 6/19).
The Washington Post: Most Obamacare Enrollees exchange were previously uninsured, survey reveals
About six out of 10 people who bought their own health insurance through the Affordable Care Trade Act were previously uninsured, according a new survey providing the first comprehensive look at the insurance landscape after the first open enrollment period health care law (Millman, 6/19).
The Washington Post :. In Southwest Va, Health Needs and poverty Antipathy To Collide With Affordable Care Act
Carolyn Underwood recalls that his father comes home covered in black mine coal dust. ... In old age, he suffered from black-lung disease and had a permanent oxygen supply. But unlike his daughter, he never worried about how he pay his medical bills. The union took care of it. That does not Carolyn Underwood, 63, a supporter of health coverage expanded government, even if benefit. In a region where the decline of the coal industry has sent poverty and soaring health needs, another force has increased by at least equal measures: the antipathy of the President of the Affordable Care Act (Portnoy, 6 / 19) and Obama.
The Wall Street Journal: Carney: Obamacare rollout was Toughest Period As spokesman
As White House press secretary Jay Carney prepared to head for the exits, it is a reflection on the ups and downs of the job .... Mr. Carney's time in the White House included many political victories and setbacks for the president, but he said the most difficult period was dealing with the "pretty awful deployment " website. The technical problems that thwarted enrollment efforts for several weeks last fall created a bad news story sustained, he said, noting that this was a problem of its own administrative decision (McCain Nelson, 6 / 19).
Los Angeles Times: Ballot Measure will not disrupt Obamacare In California, Backers Say
In response to concerns raised by the exchange of health of California, donors of a ballot measure scale the State on the regulation of health insurance rates insisted Thursday that the measure would not affect how Obamacare works in the state. Consumer groups and the California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones are pushing for more authority over health premiums for consumers and small businesses. In November, voters will decide to give the commissioner the power of veto on insurance rate increases (Terhune, 6/19).
The Wall Street Journal: Cancer Doctors Rings Up Big Bills To Medicare Drug Tarnished Procrit
Many cancer doctors now use a drug called Procrit sparingly. It was approved in 1989 for anemia and became a popular treatment for this side effect of chemotherapy. But later, regulators have learned Procrit can accelerate tumor growth and hasten death in cancer patients. ... Medicare paid US $ 128 million oncologists to administer Procrit in 2012, show the data of the federal government. One-sixth of that money went oncologists in the group, the Florida Cancer Specialists. Of the 20 oncologists Medicare paid more for Procrit, 11 belonged to the group Florida (Weaver, Wilde Mathews and McGinty, 6/20).
The New York Times: House Ways and Means Committee in Insider Case assigned trading
Federal prosecutors and financial regulators have assigned the Congress in an investigation that could test the limits of legislation on the offense of federal insider. The investigation focuses on a research organization in Washington, Securities height. Last year, he correctly predicted a change in the policy of the government health care, causing a spike in share prices of health insurance companies. ... The authorities want to know if anyone in evil government revealed the next change in policy (Apuzzo, 6/19).
The New York Times: Obama to extend all the marriage benefits to homosexual couples
The federal government on Friday will extend a wide range of marriage benefits to same-sex couples, making good on a promise made by President Obama after the Supreme Court rejected the defense of marriage law last year. ... The spouses of gay federal employees have health insurance, life insurance and flexible spending accounts. Furthermore, federal employees will be able to take leave to care for a spouse of the same sex, something that has long been limited to heterosexual married couples (Shear, 6/20).
The Wall Street Journal: Same-Sex Couples to get more benefits
The Obama administration will announce Friday the extension of several benefits and obligations to same-sex married couples, including plans to enable workers throughout the country to take leave their jobs to care for same-sex couples. The White House should also press Congress to pass legislation to amend certain provisions, such as social security benefits, to apply to married same-sex couples (McCain Nelson and Bravin, 6/20).
Los Angeles Times: Couples of the same sex eligible to leave the family, said the administration
Obama administration will announce Friday that it plans to make same-sex eligible to leave family emergency to take care of their partners, the state in which they live their marriages recognized. The Ministry of Labour will issue a proposed rule specifying that the right to a leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act applies to all legally married couples, an official of the White House who requested anonymity because the news is not yet official (Phelps, 6/19).
The New York Times: C.D.C. Details Anthrax Scare for scientists in facilities
As much as 75 scientists from the Centers for Disease Control may have been exposed to anthrax bacteria alive after potentially infectious samples were sent to laboratories not equipped to handle dangerous pathogens, a spokesman for the federal government health agency said Thursday. The agency was testing a new way to kill anthrax, which discovered did not work as expected (Tavernise and McNeil, 6/19).
Los Angeles Times: Anthrax: The 75 CDC workers may have been exposed to pathogens
About 75 staff of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta are supervised or given antibiotics after potentially been exposed to anthrax, the CDC announced. Non-compliance with established safety rules caused the possible exposure, the agency said Thursday in a statement, adding that he believed the risk of infection is very low and that no one else was at risk exposure (Raab, 6/19).
The Wall Street Journal: CDC laboratory Scientists may have been exposed to live anthrax
potentially exposed staff are antibiotics and monitored for symptoms of infection, the CDC said in a statement. "Based on the most potential exposure scenarios, the risk of infection is very low," he said. He said that there is no risk to other CDC employees or the general public (McKay, 6/19).
The Washington Post: CDC Says About 75 scientists may have been exposed to Anthrax
Potential exposure occurred after researchers failed to follow proper protection procedures to inactivate samples anthrax CDC lab in Atlanta before transferring three other CDC laboratories not equipped to handle live bacteria anthrax, the statement said. Workers in these three laboratories, believing the samples were inactivated, not wearing proper personal protective equipment when handling the material (Sun, 6/19).
Politico: CDC Reports Anthrax Exposure In the laboratory, no known disease
Dozens of scientific centers for laboratories prevention control diseases and Atlanta may have been exposed this month to live anthrax bacteria, the agency said Thursday. Up to seven investigators in a high-level biosafety laboratory on the CDC campus could be in danger after failing to follow procedures to inactivate bacteria. Their error was compounded when samples were sent to three laboratories not equipped to handle live anthrax, where unknowing workers not wearing proper protective equipment when handling the material (Levine, 6/19) lower security.
The New York Times: The leaders of New York Conclude Agreement on medical marijuana
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and legislative leaders announced an agreement on Thursday for a pilot program to provide access to marijuana to sick New Yorkers, making the state one of the most important to embrace the use of the drug as a medicine (McKinley, 6/19).
The Wall Street Journal: New York Met multiple offers last minute
After days of intense negotiations, the proposed medical pot law was more limited than many lawmakers wanted, after the Governor warned he would sign only with strict requirements. It only allow doctors to prescribe marijuana in the forms, including steam and oil-based, people with any of about half a dozen conditions, including cancer, AIDS, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis (orden, 6/19).
Los Angeles Times: Audit questions That 39 women prisoners consented to sterilization
At least 39 female inmates in California prisons have undergone sterilization in which informed consent of women was concerned, according to an audit of the State published Thursday. The investigation by the state auditor of California has found no evidence that doctors have established that the women had consented to the procedure in 27 cases. In 18 cases, there were "potential violations" of the waiting period required between consent and sterilization procedure, the report said. Both violations have occurred in some cases (Willon, 6/19).
The Associated Press: Audit seeks investigation of detainee sterilizations
State auditors found 39 cases where women of state prisoners may not have understood that they undergo procedures medical leave that infertile, according to a report released Thursday that the authorities recommended to investigate the doctors and hospitals involved. the state law prohibits held elective sterilizations that birth control methods. However, prison officials allow sterilization in cases deemed medically necessary (Thompson, 6/19).
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