Friday, August 26, 2016

Regular physical activity reduces the risk of invasive breast cancer in postmenopausal women


Regular physical activity reduces the risk of invasive breast cancer in postmenopausal women


postmenopausal women who, in the past four years, had undertaken regular of physical activity equivalent to at least four hours of walking per week had a lower risk of invasive breast cancer compared to women who exercised less over the four years, according to data published in cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention , a journal of the American Association for cancer Research.

"Twelve MET-h [metabolic equivalent task-hours] week is the march of four hours per week or bike or engage in other sports two hours a week and is compatible with the recommendations of the walking at least 30 minutes each day World Cancer research Fund, "said Agnès-s Fournier, Ph.D., researcher in epidemiology research center and population health at the Institut Gustave Roussy in Villejuif, France." So, our study shows that it is not necessary to engage in vigorous or very frequent activities ;. Even walking 30 minutes a day is beneficial "

postmenopausal women who, in the previous four years had started 12 or more MET -h physical activity each week was a 10 percent decreased risk cancer invasive breast compared to women who were less active. women who have undertaken this level of physical activity between five and nine years earlier, but were less active in the four years preceding the collection of final data are not a decreased risk of invasive breast cancer.

"physical activity is thought to decrease the risk of a woman for breast cancer after menopause," says Fournier. "However, no one knows not how fast this association was observed after regular physical activity is started or how long it lasts after the cessation of regular exercise.

"Our study answers these questions," Fournier continued. " We found that recreational physical activity, even modest intensity, seemed to have a quick impact on the risk of breast cancer. However, the decreased risk of breast cancer, we found associated with physical activity was attenuated when the activity ceased. Consequently, menopausal women who exercise should be encouraged to continue and those who do not exercise should consider starting because their risk of breast cancer may decrease rapidly. "

Fournier and colleagues analyzed data obtained from biennial questionnaires completed by 59.308 postmenopausal women who were enrolled in E3N, the French component of the European prospective Investigation into cancer and nutrition (EPIC) study. the mean follow-up was 8.5 years , during which, in 2155 women were diagnosed with a first primary invasive breast cancer.

the total amount of self-reported recreational physical activity was calculated by MET-hours per week. the effects risk reduction cancer within 12 or more MET-hours per week of leisure-time physical activity was independent of body mass index, weight gain, waist circumference and level of activity five to nine years earlier.
