Monday, August 8, 2016

TSRI has granted $ 20 million for the first year of Precision Medicine Initiative cohort program


TSRI has granted $ 20 million for the first year of Precision Medicine Initiative cohort program -

In the most ambitious medical research program in the history of American medicine, the Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) has received an initial price of $ 20 million for his role in a national precision medicine initiative, the national Institutes of Health (NIH) announced today.
"We are delighted to have the opportunity to help lead away -reaching, transformation program of one million or more participants in the US with long-term follow-up," said the principal investigator of the new grant Eric Topol, MD, director of the Scripps Translational science Institute (STSI), genomics professor at TSRI and academic director at Scripps Health. "Our goal at STSI for the decade of its existence was to advance personalized medicine. Using genomics, mobile applications and biosensors and provide data back to each participant, this study will establish the new medical knowledge bases and ways of engaging people looking as citizens-scientists. "
" This grant, which will total nearly $ 0 million over five years, is one of the largest federal grant ever awarded to the IRST, "said CEO Peter TSRI Schultz, PhD, "and it is the role of leader in expansion that Eric and IRST will play in this new era of biomedical research."
the five-year award is part of the cohort program the precision medicine Initiative President Obama (PMI) PMI is the Cohort Program historic longitudinal research effort that aims to engage one million or more participants in the United States to improve the ability to prevent and treat disease based on individual differences in lifestyle, environment and genetics.
"STSI has already played a central role in a digital medical revolution that is radically changing the way we think and to provide health care, "said Chris Van Gorder, president and CEO of Scripps health, which operates in partnership with TSRI STSI. "This grant ensures the continuation of this work for the coming years on a scale that will benefit the entire nation."
The new grant will support a participant by STSI Technology Centre will play a key role in the registration of participants in the study, as well as provide mobile applications. In parallel, the center will develop platforms to provide these same functions to those without smartphones and work with organizations of technology to increase accessibility smartphones.
STSI has partnered with the Health vibrate Fairfax, Virginia, funded by NIH, which will provide the technological platform to register and engage participants through mobile applications, web application, interactive voice response, feature phones and portable sensors; Health vibrate develop, test, maintain and upgrade the technology platform to register, consent, collect data from, communicate with and engage participants throughout the grant period.
In addition, Sage Bionetworks based in Seattle, a full partner in the design, development and hosting data for a large number of mobile app-based research studies on the platform open source Apple ResearchKit, will be responsible for developing symptoms of phone measures, laptop and other sensors, as well as community outreach and engagement efforts with participants attending Technologies Center.
initiative also includes an extensive network of high-level partners, including Walgreens and PatientsLikeMe. Work in collaboration with other entities, the participant Scripps Technologies Center will be responsible for the registration of at least 350,000 participants-volunteers.
"These partners provide awareness and unprecedented commitment, and data privacy and security capabilities," Topol said.
team aims to begin the initial entry into the study this year in order to reach its membership goal by 2020.
the participants will be asked to answer questions about the history of their health and share their genomic biological information and others by simple blood tests and urine and grant access to their clinical data from records electronic health. Furthermore, devices and mobile health applications provide lifestyle data and environmental exposures in real time. All this will be accomplished with guarantees of confidentiality and security essential. As partners in research, participants will have the current input in the design and implementation study, as well as access to a wide range of their individual results and aggregated study.
"This range of information on the scale of a million people from all walks of life will be an unparalleled resource for researchers working to understand all the factors that influence health and disease, "said Director Francis S. Collins NIH, MD, Ph.D." over time, the data provided by participants will help us answer important health issues, such as why some people with genetic risk factors and high environmental for diseases still manage to maintain good health, and how people with chronic disease can maintain the highest possible quality of life. The more we understand individual differences, the better we will be able to prevent and treat the disease effectively. "
The knowledge gained in the PMI cohort program will extend the success of the precision medicine in some cancers in many other diseases. Importantly, the program will focus not only on the disease, but also on ways to increase the chances of staying healthy throughout the life of an individual
for more information on medicine precision Initiative (PMI), see https: // www. / precision medicine. for more information on the cohort program PMI, see for more information about NIH and its programs, visit
About the Scripps research Institute
the Scripps research Institute (TSRI) is one of the largest non-profit independent global research-driven in the biomedical sciences. TSRI is internationally recognized for his contributions to science and health, including its role in the foundation of new treatments for cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, hemophilia, and other diseases. An institution that evolved from the Scripps Metabolic Clinic founded by philanthropist Ellen Browning Scripps in 1924, the institute now employs more than 2,500 people on its campuses in La Jolla, CA, and Jupiter, FL, where its famous scientists, including two Nobel prize winners and 20 members of the national Academy of sciences, engineering or medicine work toward their next discoveries. The graduate program of the institute, which doctorate degrees in biology and chemistry prices, ranks among the top ten of its kind in the country. For more information, see
Once the public, and other news releases are posted on the website of the IRST to
about Scripps health
Founded in 1924 by philanthropist Ellen Browning Scripps, Scripps health is a nonprofit integrated health system based in San Diego, California. Scripps Health treats more than 0,000 patients annually through the commitment of 3,000 affiliated physicians and 15,000 employees among most of its five acute care hospital campuses, palliative care and home health care services, 28 centers and outpatient clinics, and hundreds of doctors offices throughout the region.
Recognized as the leader in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment, Scripps Health is also at the forefront of clinical research, genomic medicine and wireless healthcare. With three highly respected graduate medical training programs, Scripps Health is a longstanding member of the Association of American Medical Colleges. Scripps Health has been listed four times as one of the nation's top health care systems by Truven Health Analytics. Its hospitals are consistently ranked by US News & World Report among the best in the country and Scripps Health is consistently recognized by Fortune, Working Mother magazine and AARP as one of the best places in the country to work. More information can be found at
About Scripps Translational Science Institute
The Scripps Translational Science Institute aims to replace the traditional one size fits all medicines with healthcare individualized by leveraging the power of genomic medicine, wireless health sensors and mobile applications, and other digital medical technologies. In a unique collaboration, STSI merges biomedical expertise of Scripps Research Institute exceptional patient care with Scripps Health and clinical research capacity. STSI is supported in part by National Institutes of Health Clinical and Translational Science Award. For more information, visit site.
