Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Two new studies found genetic potential new cause and method of treating autoimmune diseases


Two new studies found genetic potential new cause and method of treating autoimmune diseases -

Autoimmune Related The American Association, Inc. (AARDA) is Spotlighting originally two new research studies reported in ScienceDaily. The first study advance the understanding of a potential cause of autoimmune disease, while the second examines a new treatment approach could have far-reaching consequences for many autoimmune diseases.
In both cases, AARDA believes research is promising and further studies are needed to confirm the results.
potential genetic trigger of the identified ADs
researchers at the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) in New York, reports in the June issue of Arthritis Rheumatism and have found elements similar to the virus in the human genome that can be a genetic potential trigger systemic autoimmune disease
According ScienceDaily (June 27, 2016) :.
"to their study, HSS researchers have hypothesized that the abnormal expression of genetic elements known as LINE-1 name (L1) retroelements can trigger an innate immune response similar to that produced by virus outside and contribute to overproduction of interferons.
interferons are molecules of our body occurs in the presence of viruses and other pathogens to mobilize the immune system. They are part of the complex immune response the danger combat. However, if the levels of interferon are too high, instead of playing a protective role, it can contribute to the development of autoimmune disease. "
the researchers sought to understand why class known as interferon type 1 interferon, is produced by the too SLE and Sjögren's syndrome.
"Our genomes are packed with sequences derived from viruses that have been inserted thousands of years, and these pseudo-viral sequences may move, causing genetic mutations and contribute to the evolution our genomes. We hypothesize that they sometimes generate pseudo-viral RNA sequences that can be detected by the immune system, "said Mary K. Crow, MD, chief physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery and lead author of the study.
"Our results support the hypothesis that retroelements L1, perhaps as well as other genomic elements derived from viruses may contribute to the development of autoimmune diseases characterized by high levels of type 1 interferon, "said Dr. Crow, Chairman, Department of medicine, and Benjamin M. Rosen Chair in immunology and inflammation Research at HSS." While this may not be the only cause it is fascinating to think that the virus-derived elements in our own genome is to be quiet and do not cause problems, or they get restless and contribute to disease. "
Commenting on the study, Noel R. Rose, MD, Ph.D., President Emeritus of AARDA Scientific Advisory Board, said that the findings," Iook very similar to what I have always called "additive effect". We are all prone to develop some autoimmunity (self-reactive lymphocytes) according to our genetics. But we need an extra push - the builder to move from benign autoimmunity to an autoimmune disease. Often the adjuvant is provided by infection or response of the organism to infection. This study suggests that interferon-like molecule adjuvant. "
Promising new treatment AD in preclinical study Reported
A new treatment approach used in a preclinical study may hold the promise a wide range of autoimmune diseases. scientists from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine (Penn) have developed "a method for removing the subset of making antibody-producing cells that produce a self disease immune without harming the immune system, "
ScienceDaily (June 30, 2016) reports:
" the key element of the new strategy is based on a target receptor recognizing artificial, called a chimeric antigen receptor, or RCA, which can be designed in T cells of patients. In human trials, researchers remove some T cells of the patient by a process similar to dialysis, then engineer in a laboratory to add the CAR gene so that the new receptor is expressed in T cells The new cells are then multiplied in the laboratory prior to re-infusion into the patient. T cells use their CAR receptors to bind to molecules on the target cells, and the act of binding initiates an internal signal that strongly activates T cells -. So they quickly destroy their targets
Current therapies for autoimmune disease, such as prednisone and rituximab, remove much of the immune system, leaving patients vulnerable to opportunistic infections and cancers potentially lethal.
The Penn researchers demonstrated their new successfully dealing technical pemphigus vulgaris, an autoimmune otherwise fatal disease in a mouse model, without off-target apparent effects that could affect tissue healthy. The results are published in an online document First release in science.
"This is an effective strategy to target the autoimmune cells and sparing just good immune cells that protect us against infection," said co-lead author Aimee S. Payne, MD, PhD, Albert M. Kligman Associate Professor of Dermatology.
Payne and co-senior author Michael C. Milone, MD, PhD, assistant professor of pathology and laboratory medicine, adapted the technique of the strategy against the promising cancer by which T cells are designed to destroy malignant cells in certain leukemias and lymphomas.
"Our study opens effectively the application of this anti-cancer technology for the treatment of a much wider range of diseases, including autoimmunity and transplant rejection," said Milone .
AARDA said of the study, "What a fine example of synergy the" Ying-Yang "between the cancer research and research on autoimmune diseases. Many of the key ideas behind the cells CAR T arisen years of basic research on autoimmunity. Now a new cancer immunotherapy method is applied to treating an autoimmune disease.
"You never know where basic research will take you."
